“If We Had Not Helped Her…”: Shashi Tharoor On Sheikh Hasina In India

Shashi Tharoor stated that recent events in Bangladesh shouldn’t affect India’s relationship with the country. He emphasized maintaining strong ties despite regional developments.

Shashi Tharoor her
Shashi Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor Praises India’s Support for Sheikh Hasina Amidst Bangladesh Crisis

In a recent interview with NDTV, Congress leader and MP Shashi Tharoor commended the Indian government for offering refuge to Sheikh Hasina after her resignation as Bangladesh’s Prime Minister amid widespread protests. Tharoor emphasized that this power shift in Bangladesh should not be a major concern for India. He reassured that India’s fundamental interest remains in maintaining strong and friendly relations with Bangladesh, highlighting the country’s commitment to the well-being of its people above individual leaders.

India’s Commitment to Strong Ties with Bangladesh

When asked about the impact of recent developments in Bangladesh on its relationship with India, Tharoor explained that India’s focus is on the broader interests of the Bangladeshi people rather than political shifts. “Our basic commitment is to the well-being of the Bangladeshi people; the State comes second, and any individual leader comes third,” Tharoor stated. This perspective reflects India’s longstanding dedication to supporting Bangladesh through various political changes.

Historical Support and Future Relations

Tharoor also reminded viewers of India’s historical support for Bangladesh, referencing the country’s assistance during the 1971 liberation struggle and ongoing efforts to maintain a positive relationship despite political challenges. “We were with the people of Bangladesh in 1971 and through thick and thin since then,” Tharoor noted. He expressed confidence that, despite recent changes, the relationship between India and Bangladesh will continue to thrive, maintaining a stable and friendly partnership in the future.

Sheikh Hasina her
Sheikh Hasina

Tharoor Downplays Concerns Over Bangladesh’s Interim Government

Congress MP Shashi Tharoor reassured that the interim government in Bangladesh, led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, is not a cause for concern for India. Tharoor, who personally knows Yunus, described him as a highly respected figure with closer ties to Washington rather than extremist groups or hostile agencies.

India’s Stance on Bangladesh’s New Interim Leadership

Tharoor emphasized that the composition of Bangladesh’s interim government does not warrant anxiety from India. He highlighted that the presence of Yunus and the overall makeup of the government suggest no significant influence from countries hostile to India.

Tharoor Praises India’s Support for Sheikh Hasina Amid Bangladesh Crisis

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor praised India’s decision to provide refuge to Sheikh Hasina following her resignation amid violent protests in Bangladesh. He assured NDTV that the political changes in Bangladesh are not a major concern for India, emphasizing the nation’s commitment to a stable and friendly relationship with its neighbor. Tharoor highlighted India’s historical support for Bangladesh, noting that the current situation should not affect bilateral ties.

Reassurance on Interim Government and Regional Concerns

Tharoor addressed concerns about Bangladesh’s interim government, led by Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, stating it does not pose a threat to India. He reassured that Yunus’s connections are more aligned with Washington than hostile entities. Tharoor also noted potential concerns about Pakistan and China, but emphasized Yunus’s commitment to peace and protection of minorities as a positive sign.

Shashi Tharoor her
Shashi Tharoor

Sheikh Hasina Takes Refuge in India Amidst Bangladesh Crisis

Sheikh Hasina, who stepped down as Prime Minister of Bangladesh due to escalating protests against reservation policies, has been in India for nearly a week. The protests, which started as a demand for policy changes, evolved into a broader movement calling for her resignation. In light of these developments, India has provided refuge to Hasina, ensuring her safety during this tumultuous time.

All-Party Meeting Held to Address the Situation

Following Hasina’s arrival, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar convened an all-party meeting to brief opposition leaders on the crisis and the government’s response plan. The opposition parties have expressed their full support for the government’s efforts to handle the situation effectively. This unified stance reflects India’s commitment to managing the diplomatic and humanitarian aspects of the unfolding crisis in Bangladesh.

Stay tuned to Club4Celebs for more updates.

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