"Essential Herbs: 5 Plants That Boost Your Health and Wellness"

Mint (Mentha)

Benefits: Aids digestion, relieves nausea, freshens breath, and has anti-inflammatory properties. Useful for soothing headaches and improving overall digestive health.

Oregano  (Origanum vulgare)

Benefits: Rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Supports immune health, helps fight infections, and can aid in respiratory health.

Sage  (Salvia officinalis)

Benefits: Enhances memory, supports oral health, reduces inflammation, and helps balance hormones. Useful for easing menopause symptoms and improving cognitive function.

Parsley  (Petroselinum crispum)

Benefits: rich in vitamins A, C, and K. Supports bone health, reduces bloating, and freshens breath. Helps with overall nutritional balance and digestive health.

Cilantro  (Coriandrum sativum)

Benefits: It detoxifies heavy metals, aids digestion, and supports heart health. Rich in antioxidants and useful for reducing inflammation and improving digestion.